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HTML Basics

HTML is the language all webpages are written in.
HTML is made up of TAGS, which are encased in angle brackets <>.
Any code contained in angle brackets is a TAG.
TAGS usually have a START TAG and an END TAG

All webpages have the same basic structure:

Type this code into a text editor (like Notepad in Windows), and save it as index.html
The first page of any website should be called index.html, as this is what browsers look for!

Now you have the basic structure of your webpage, lets explain the TAGS further:

<html> Signifies the start of a HTML page.

<head> Signifies the start of the header section. Anything typed here will not show on the page.
This is where you place your Title, and/or your CSS & JavaScript code.

<title> Signifies the start of the title. Anything typed here will show at the top of the browser, or on it's Tab.

</title> Signifies the end of the title.

</head> Signifies the end of the header (hidden code) section.

<body> Signifies the start of the content section. Anything typed here will show on your webpage.

</body> Signifies the end of the content section.

</html> Signifies the end of a HTML page.

Now lets add some content:

<title>My Webpage</title>
<body>This is my first webpage. Hooray!

Re-save this file as index.html and open it in your browser.

Now you have your first webpage, lets look at all the TAGS you can use within the <body> to do even more with your page.